

DASU DAM Construction GO ahead for completion

Country : Pakistan
Project : Dasu Hydropower Project
Client : Water and Power Development Authority
Project Period : 2011 - Present
Project Overview : Only a small portion of hydropower potential (about 15%) has been developed in Pakistan. Dasu Hydropower Project is one of the series of hydropower development projects included in Vision 2025 Program developed by WAPDA in 2001. Installed capacity (4,320 MW) will cover 90% of actual electricity shortage, which is imposing six hour planned blackouts even on the metropoplitan area.
Features : - Installed Capacity: 4,320 MW
- Annual Energy (Pre-Basha): 18,432 GWh
- Gross Head: 187.17 m, Design Head 179.51 m
- Dam Type: Gravity dam (RCC construction)
- Dam Height & Crest Length: H=242 m, L=570 m
- Gross Reservoir Storage: 14,100 million m3
- Specifications of Power Tunnel: 4 nos. D=12.0 m, L=450 m (concrete lined)
- Penstock: three-manifold type, D=5.5 m, L=107 m (steel lined)
- Diversion Tunnels: 2 units, L=1,261/1,101 m
Our Services : DD, CS